Friday, March 16, 2007


This is not our country unfortunatly. This country belongs to those in suits. All though we the common people work the land, we make everything this country lives on. The working people should choose who leads this country, not the electoral colledge. This country is turning more fachist every day. The leaders are getting more and more power every day while the common people are getting weaker and weaker. The people that work get nothing while the fachist who sit behind desks get more. This is a country that is based on hard working men and women. Now this country is based on rich fachist in suits. We must fight! This is our land, not the land of those lazy war mongrals. This is supposed to be the land of the American dream, but how can you live that American dream when real work gets you nothing? They tax the poor making our neighborhoods worse while the suburbs get better. They wipe out projects and condos where living is just for the rich. Its like there trying to push us out, this is turning into a New World Order. They leave us on the streets leaing us no where to go, forcing crime on our youth and destroying the minds of us, the common people.