Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fate or Freewill

Most of us in the modern world believe that we are in control of our own actions and we have the freewill to determine our future. The ancient Greeks felt differently about this idea. Perhaps you may also feel that there is a destiny awaiting you. Before you make a rash choice, think about the following in relation to the life you live. Some philosophers believe that our actions are shaped by our environment and our DNA. Those philosophers use the term "determinism." Your life is solely determined by those two major factors. Muse about the possibilities of all three: complete freewill, destiny and determinism. Which of those seem more plausible to you and why? Can you think of a situation in which the three could coexist? Do they all exist together or does one idea/belief override others?

Personally, i believe Fate and Freewill coexist. Freewill determines your fate, along with your envirement. For example, Over the summer, i was at this party, at first it was pretty crunk than My buddies and I started getting bad vibes so we decided to leave. When we got to the car we realized we had forgotten someone, then we heard screams, so we ran back to the party to see what was happening, then we found the person we forgot and he was all scratched up and his t shirt was torn, so as we were leaving, we get to my car and i start it up, all of the sudden i look to my left and theres a mob of people running to my car, and my instinct is floor it and get of there, and before i knew it, the mob was trying to brake through my windows (as im moving) and someone ended up under my car i ended up running over him. It was my freewill to leave, it was fate that my buddy pissed off a lot of people, and it was a combination of envirement (ghetto) and DNA which was to freaked out

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Factors that shape your life

The factors that shape your life?
You may have the standard answer "peers and parents," but really, there are SO many possibilities that shape your life, including your own, personal experience, government, school, advertising, etc. What are the other factors (other than peers and parents) that shape your life and how?

Music, Definitely shapes my life in so many ways. For one music can shape my mood depending on what Im listening to. For example, if Im listening to Lil Wayne, I feel like making money, therefor i only listen to him on payday. Another example would be that i listen to rage against the machine when im mad at something and feel like rebellion. I believe my life evolves around music, like music is the earth and im its moon.
Another thing that shapes my life is school, I don't talk to many people, however, I perceive what people do and how they react to certain situations. It can get really interesting too, how immature people can be, also how unreasonable. Some people will fight over anything even if its a compliment, i try not to be like one of those people. Its not peer pressure, peer pressure is their influence on your conscience and mind, this is strictly observation on how i should change so I wont be like certain peoples.

Friday, August 15, 2008

What I Believe in

I believe in peace for of peoples and races. What is stopping this peace from happening is that there is a war going on for your mind. From corporations to politics who fight over you as if you were territory in an endless war. Corporations use advertisements as artillery shells bombing our innocent houses. through this endless war we have had religions created, countries bombed, people assassinated, and over all, human casualties which are all for the possession of your mind. But what if this standing struggle never happened? We would definitely progress much faster, but at what cost? we would loose our individuality, our music, and above all, our mind. There would be no wars or genocides, so its really what you believe in. I believe we can somehow forge a path to peace and progression without casualties. How? I don't know, all I know is that we are fully capable of succeeding.
There are good Samaritans out there, I try to be one, but sometimes it can get hard but I just keep trying. If everyone tried being a good Samaritan, we would be in peace right now as we are nearing WWIII. But because we have those who feel they need to destroy an entire race or ethnicity. We having war today as we speak, and because of these fools, we will always have mothers and fathers losing their children, then whats going to happen to the elderly had been parents, who will pay for their nursing homes. So at what cost will we keep this going? when will we start trying to forge peace with other nations? When will the killings, genocides, and wars stop? Im hoping peace will happen soon, or at least in my lifetime but Im guessing never.

Friday, March 16, 2007


This is not our country unfortunatly. This country belongs to those in suits. All though we the common people work the land, we make everything this country lives on. The working people should choose who leads this country, not the electoral colledge. This country is turning more fachist every day. The leaders are getting more and more power every day while the common people are getting weaker and weaker. The people that work get nothing while the fachist who sit behind desks get more. This is a country that is based on hard working men and women. Now this country is based on rich fachist in suits. We must fight! This is our land, not the land of those lazy war mongrals. This is supposed to be the land of the American dream, but how can you live that American dream when real work gets you nothing? They tax the poor making our neighborhoods worse while the suburbs get better. They wipe out projects and condos where living is just for the rich. Its like there trying to push us out, this is turning into a New World Order. They leave us on the streets leaing us no where to go, forcing crime on our youth and destroying the minds of us, the common people.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Valinetine's Day 2/14/07
Todays the first Valinetines I have ever celebrated. I usually look at valinetine's day as just another day but this valinetine's day, I have a girlfriend. Her name is Allison Valdivia, I went out with her before but I felt guilty cause I broke up with Alex to go out with Alli so I dumped Alli and got back together with Alex. Later on, Alex broke up with me so last night, I asked Alli out and now were going out. Today's valinetine's day is a great day, I woke up with a very good mood. I had my morning coffee to wake me up. I might see Alli this weekend, I cant wait. Unfortunatly, she goes to a different school, she goes to my old school, Saint Thomas More.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Oddyssey Test 1/23/07 Block 1

1. What have you learned about Greek culture, values, and religion? Address the roles of women and men, honor and virtues, gods and goddesses, etc. (200 words)

I have learned that in Greek culture, people accept guests from foreign lands with amazing hospitality. I also learned that men fight or hunt while women attend to the services of the household. They honor their gods with sacrifices of animals and the more sacrifices you make the more they’ll help you. Religion is very important to the Greeks, when Odysseus won the war in Troy, he didn’t thank Poseidon, the god of the sea, in return Odysseus couldn’t return to his homeland of Ithaca for a long time. While he thanked Athena, she helped him on his long journey home to his son and his wife and to defeat the suitors who were trying to take away his kingdom. Most Greeks keep their values, they thank the gods for all that they have with sacrifices, they treat visitors with a huge supper with offerings for their journey. Greek culture is very accepting of other cultures yet they are strict to there own values and virtues.

2. What resonated with you in reading about Odysseus’ adventures? Why? (100 words)

When I read the Odyssey, the adventure of Odysseus on the Cyclopes Island resonated in my head. To me that was the most exciting part that I’ve read. There was so much adventure and excitement when he pierced the Cyclops’s eye. What also resonated with in me was at the end when Odysseus and Telachamus fought against the suitors. Odysseus battle strategy to hide the spears while he shows them he can string the bow and then fire the arrow while his son kills the suitors. The book was saturated with great adventure mixed with sex, drugs, and violence. Its hard to believe that this was one of the first books ever written.

3. This epic poem is dated nearly 3000 years ago, why is it still relevant? (100 words)

This book is relevant because it really shows the foundation of Greek Mythology. Now it is used as a history book, it shows how the Greeks lived their way of life. The Odyssey shows their customs, culture, religion, and living styles, like how they dressed and bathed. Without this book our knowledge on Greek culture would be very limited. The Odyssey is a plethora of knowledge and culture.

4. How would you characterize the narrator, the fictive "Homer" whose voice we imagine as singing the verses of the Odyssey?

Nobody has any solid proof of who homer was, so that could mean he was just a beggar saying the story to the children and eventually wrote it.

5. What kinds of behavior are treated as contemptible in the Odyssey?

Poseidon’s revenge can be treated as contemptible as well as the suitor’s greed and laziness and leisure. All the suitors do is sit around, drink wine, eat, and have sex with the maids.

6. How does the poem represent mortal women? Since Penelope is the most important woman in the Odyssey, what qualities does she possess, and how does she respond to the troubles she faces? (Some of the other women are of note, too-Eurycleia the serving woman, the faithless maidservants, Nausicaa the Phaeacian princess, and Helen of Sparta, Menelaus' queen, whose elopement with Prince Paris sparked the Trojan War.)

The poem represents women as humble servants that have the power to choose their husbands. They are servants of the husband though they choose their husbands

7.How do Homer's gods think and behave? How do their actions and motivations differ from the conception of god in other religions of which you have knowledge? What role do the Homeric gods play in human affairs, and what is the responsibility of humans with respect to those gods?