Friday, August 15, 2008

What I Believe in

I believe in peace for of peoples and races. What is stopping this peace from happening is that there is a war going on for your mind. From corporations to politics who fight over you as if you were territory in an endless war. Corporations use advertisements as artillery shells bombing our innocent houses. through this endless war we have had religions created, countries bombed, people assassinated, and over all, human casualties which are all for the possession of your mind. But what if this standing struggle never happened? We would definitely progress much faster, but at what cost? we would loose our individuality, our music, and above all, our mind. There would be no wars or genocides, so its really what you believe in. I believe we can somehow forge a path to peace and progression without casualties. How? I don't know, all I know is that we are fully capable of succeeding.
There are good Samaritans out there, I try to be one, but sometimes it can get hard but I just keep trying. If everyone tried being a good Samaritan, we would be in peace right now as we are nearing WWIII. But because we have those who feel they need to destroy an entire race or ethnicity. We having war today as we speak, and because of these fools, we will always have mothers and fathers losing their children, then whats going to happen to the elderly had been parents, who will pay for their nursing homes. So at what cost will we keep this going? when will we start trying to forge peace with other nations? When will the killings, genocides, and wars stop? Im hoping peace will happen soon, or at least in my lifetime but Im guessing never.

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